Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sea Turtle Nest!!

I know it's been awhile since I've updated the blog, but I felt like I just needed a break. This summer has been such a good break for me so far. I am getting some much needed rest after running for years and not taking a minute to slow down. I have a lot to update on, so I will do this slowly, but I wanted to update you on my exciting news today.

One of my hobbies this summer is being a member of the Seabrook Island Turtle Patrol. I walk the beach in front of the camp and down the beach once a week on Tuesdays looking for mother sea turtle that laid a next the previous night. This morning when I was taking a walk, I was suprised by a nest right in the middle of a prayer of gratitude. The Lord is so good! I try to document all the steps and take photos, so here it goes.
STEP 1: Walk the beach early in the morning before anyone else is out. Look for turtle tracks that look similar to tire tracks.

STEP 2:Probe the area that looks like a turtle may have dug a nest. The sand is usually hard, but when there is a nest, the sand is extremely soft, so you will be able to feel the change.

STEP 3: If the eggs are too close to the water, they will drown at high tide, so you have to move the eggs to higher ground a dig a new nest. So you dig out the turtle eggs gently and put them in a bucket so that they are in the same order in the new nest.
STEP 4: Dig a new nest on higher ground to help the turtles have a better chance of surviving.

STEP 5: Transfer the eggs into the new nest. Then cover the nest with a grate to keep out bigger mammals. Set a Ghost Crab trap next to the whole and mark with a sign.

STEP 6: Wait patiently for 45-60 days for the 121 eggs to hatch!