After the hunt, we headed to a church in Redcliffe. On the way there, we saw small kangaroos or wallabies; we couldn't stop or get close enough to look, but I've been told that some kangaroos are around 7 foot tall. We were staying about 1 mile from the beach, so as soon as we got there, we gathered up our things and headed down. I was the only girl who went swimming, because it was a little chilly:) In the evenings we had 'family time' and took turns sharing our testimonies with each other. It was great to hear everyone's story and how the Lord brought us here. We attended church on Sunday and had a chance to go to a city-wide worship service. The worship service was wonderful and so freeing, people were worshipping in all different ways like painting, singing, praying and writing. It was really encouraging to see how the Lord is rising up people and starting a revival in Australia.
After staying at the church for the weekend and finishing up testimonies, we headed back to the base on Monday. We are starting class tonight and we will have the same theme throughout the week which is "Character and Nature of God."
There is a girl from Belgium, her name is Nele and she is great! She is 25 years old and from day one we hit it off. It's so good to have a friend here and to have her, I'll try to post a picture soon. Ironically, we were both hoping to travel after DTS and go to New Zealand, it came up the other day in coversation and we decided to start making travel plans together:)
YAAY!!! Thanks for posting!! It's so good to see a few pics and hear about your camping trip. And I am SO excited about Nele!! I'm so glad you have a friend. That is an answer to prayer and so cool, especially that you will have a buddy to explore New Zealand with. God is good. Lots of love!!