Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Year...New opportunities

Christmas came just in time this year. This past year of Barrier Island has come with new blessings, new friendships and opportunities for growth, but it has also been filled with stretching and testing. The Lord has taught me patience through Outdoor Encounters, the adventure program I have been trying to start. I thought for sure we would have people filled up on our calendar waiting to go kayaking and spend quality time with the Lord outdoors. I was forced to re-evaluate my expectations this fall when we had not had a single group sign up for the program. The Lord has been faithful and we do have our first group signed up for this April, I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve them and actually lead a trip. Obviously my expectations looked much different from what the Lord had in mind, but I have learned to accept that and be grateful that His ways are much higher than mine and His thoughts higher than my thoughts. We are only called to be obedient, not to produce results through programs, people or otherwise.

My family was such a blessing over Christmas break. It was the first I had been in Michigan since June and it was wonderful. I have learned over the years, through much conflict and arguing to just let me love me and take care of me. I am not finished with this lesson, but I have learned to at least let my family love and take care of me. After so many months of outpouring and serving it was great to sit down and rest, to remember that I am loved for who I am and not what I can do or produce.

Through prayer, I have decided not to return to St. Christopher next year. I will be finished at the camp in May of this year. I feel so much peace and confirmation about my decision. I am starting to apply and make plans for the next phase of life. I feel called to two different areas of ministry, so I have plans to try them both. I would love to do outdoor ministry for this summer, as an outdoor guide. I have applied for a job at Noah's Ark in Colorado. I also have a pull to missions. I have applied for the Discipleship Training School in New Zealand, through YWAM (Youth With A Mission) with outreach in SE Asia. This particular school focuses on Eath Care and involves going to poor villages and teaching them simple agriculture practices, while taking care of the earth. I will do my best to keep you posted on if and when the Lord opens and closes doors for these opportunities. I am reminded of the verse, "In his heart, a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9. I completely surrender to the Lord's will and plans.

Please pray for contentment during as I approach my final season at St. Christopher. The Lord reminded me that He has called me here to this place, through the end of May and He still has plans that He wants to accomplish in me and through me. I do not want to wish the time away that I still have.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers!

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