But, the Lord is so faithful and has provided us with a wonderful, God-ordained staff. It was so cool to see during the hiring process and by meeting everyone how the Lord has His hand in each life that He brought here. This past weekend we went on a staff camping retreat to Okefenokee in Georgia. It was a great bonding experience with beautiful kayaking. One of the staff members led worship around the campfire each night and the last night the Lord showed up in big and powerful ways. We had a few people that had felt led to pray for others and we had a time of worship and prayer. The Lord did healing and reclaiming territory that was His to begin with. There seemed to be a theme running throughout the weekend that the Lord wanted us to let go of the things we were desparately trying to hold onto for security, identity or other reasons. We need to release everything not of the Lord so that we are able to receive His blessings and outpour onto others. It was such a good time of freedom as well as seeing the Lord's power and glory.
My new role has been good, but stressful at times. I love pouring into the staff and building relationships, but the training has been pretty intense. I also tend to take on more responsibility than the Lord asks of me, so I am also in the learning process of letting go. Please pray that I would be in tune with the Holy Spirit so that I would know when to take on a challenge and when to release something the Lord has not asked me to do.
Thanks for your prayers. I love you all. May the Lord continue to abound your knowledge of His love and may it become more real to you each day.
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