Sorry I haven't updated the blog in quite some time, I will do my best to update it more often:) God has been teaching me so much here and I want to continue to share with you what He's been teaching, that maybe He has a similar revelation in store for you. I pray that as you read God speaks to you, reveals Himself to you and you begin to see more and more truth.
A group of us were reading Romans 5 the other day. I love Romans, it makes so much sense for me and really lays out what the gospel means and does. When we were reading, I began to see so much grace. Paul talks of our sins, our past life a number of times, but each time, he basically says, 'yeah, but how much more grace is there than sin.' I grew up believing I was a Sinner and that would never change. Of course Satan wants us to continue to believe we are nothing, but Sinners; and without Jesus this is true. But this is not the case, Jesus has come and redeemed us, made us new! Satan wants us to continue to believe that we are Sinners, because then we will never become anything different, we will never accomplish what God has for us. We will remain a beggar in the streets while God is calling us to be His kings and queens.
God has revealed to me more and more over the last few years that we are no longer Sinners, but Saints! How cool is that! Not because I am good or worthy, etc. but because Jesus has justified me and "seated me at the right hand of the throne of God," Ephesians 2:6. The reality is that you are already perfect, you just have to journey with God and see the outworking of that here on Earth. So when we do sin; that's actually not who we are anymore; that's our 'old self' but we have been given a 'new self.' We are children of the Most High God, lets start living that way and become who God created us to be.