We each had different start-points, so we asked for a blessing from the Lord and went on our separate ways. The run was 6.2 miles. There were so many people downtown Charleston cheering us on. The race started in Mt. Pleasant and we ran over the bridge and ended downtown at Marion Square for a big post-race party. There was food and vendors everywhere. It was a fun experience overall.
This week, Leah and I are leaving early for a mini-vacation. We are heading down to Georgia for a little adventure. Our staff is starting to get exhausted this time of year and we all need a break. This past week, we had to cover shifts for each other all week because so many people were out sick. Please pray for the health and strength of our staff. I know that Satan likes to attack when we are off our guard and feeling weak.
God continues to be faithful and reveal new truths about Himself and the condition of my heart all the time. I am confident the Lord will fulfill the calling He has placed on my life. I am learning the true meaning of 'grace' for one of the first times in my life. I am realizing more every day that GOD LOVES US!! Not because we are good, but because He is good. I don't know how I have been so blind to a simple truth, but I am so grateful the Lord is revealing this to me now. The Lord is showing me more each day how much I strive to win His love and approval, when He has already given it to me free of charge. It's so freeing to know that there is nothing we could ever do to make God love us more or less. Praise the Lord, for He loves us!