A few weeks ago, the Lord asked me to step up in obedience and speak in chapel. So this past Thursday I spoke in the St. Christopher Staff Chapel. Leading up to that point, I was pretty stressed and overwhelmed, since public speaking is the last thing I want to do. We are going through the Lord's prayer in a series and it was my turn to speak on Forgiving others as Christ has forgiven us. I was so nervous leading up to it, but as I step behind the podium into the sunlight streaming in with the ocean to my back, the Lord took away my fears and took away my agenda, and I was able to speak His words freely. And guess what? I actually enjoyed it. I spoke truth, made people laugh, and told a few of my stories. I felt so blessed and honored afterward. I received very uplifting encouragement from the staff after the message. My director came up and told me I had the gift of pulic speaking, I almost dropped dead on the floor. If you would have told me that 10 years ago, I would have said you were nuts, but I have to remember I am a new creation in Christ and He has chosen to bless me with gifts to use for His glory. My mentor was filled with praise and said I should expect to give the message again soon. God is so good to us, He is so faithful. Why did I ever doubt He would abandon me and leave me?
God has burdened my heart. I have a friend who is going through a very rough time right now. He is confused about life and God and other things. I had a few deep conversations with him this week. Yesterday during our girls' staff Bible study, we were given time to spend with the Lord. The Lord just broke my heart for my friend. He gave me a small glimpse of the way that He was feeling toward the situation and I cried for a long time. I cried the tears that the Lord was crying for my friend. It was so sad, but so good to drink deeply of the Lord's heart. I feel so blessed.
The Lord is willing, He is waiting to bless you. Will you give it up? Will you lose yourself in Him and allow Him to bless you and free you? He longs for you to drink deeply of His love and His spirit.
Thank you for all your love and prayers, I couldn't do it without you.